AssetWise Inspections

Create Entirely New System of Asset and Report Settings

The most elaborate task an admin can perform within the Asset and Report Settings is to build the settings from scratch. There are multiple ways to perform this task because many of the settings contain similar mapping/linking controls, but the following steps reveal the most efficient process:

  1. Create all asset types on the Asset Types configuration page.
  2. Create all asset statuses on the Asset Statuses configuration page.
  3. Create all inspection types on the Inspection Types configuration page.
  4. Determine all necessary forms and plan them out (outside of AssetWise Inspections) to determine all necessary fields.
  5. Using the planned-out forms, create all fields on the Report Fields configuration page.
  6. Create all forms on the Forms configuration page.
  7. Design all forms in Forms Designer All controls added to the forms can be mapped to fields because the fields have already been created in step 5.
  8. Create the report sections (output reports) in the Report Sections configuration page.
  9. Create the report types in the Report Types configuration page All previously created settings can be linked to the report types using the report type settings' tabs.